Start working with a Webinar agency that...

Will make you Dominate and crush your Competition

Many Webinars have challenges to increase their price and achieve consistent sales for their high ticket product / service.

Most potential customers usually say that the “price is too high”.

Does this sound familiar to you?

The truth is… your marketing / sales process is NOT effectively communicating to them the high value of your service ie your product / service is 10x more valuable than the price you are charging.

At F10Funnels, we’ve found that if you know how to market / sell it the right way , high ticket services are even easier to sell than low ticket services…

Here’s how to effectively sell high ticket Webinars.

a) High Ticket Strategic Positioning.

For high ticket products, you have to develop a positioning / differentiation that is completely unique to your business, and that no one else is saying / able to replicate. Only if you can do this, will you be able to dominate your niche as the foremost expert / leader, and command your respective prices.

b) High level copywriting that allows your customer to easily understand why it’s their loss if they don’t come on board with you.

A lot of the time, we find that businesses actually know their positioning really well…

But unfortunately, because you’re not a marketer, you’re not able to effectively translate this into your online advertising and offline sales process. This is why there is a big gap between what you know about your service, and what the market understands about your service.

c) High ticket funnels work very differently from other online funnels

Lots of businesses make the mistake of treating a high ticket funnel like a normal funnel. Normal Funnels mostly runs online with Pre Recorded Webinars , Automated CRM (customer relationship management) Software and Email/SMS Campaigns .

When you are dealing with a client paying for $100K services, then automation is just not going to cut it! You need to be more involved and you need to give more personalized, bespoke, and individualized attention to each client. That could mean meeting in person or at least face to face via online apps such as Zoom/Gmeet. It could mean personal emails or phone calls regularly. How can you add personalized service at a level that gives the best outcome for you and your client.

Webinars have been our primary focus since 2010 hence we know how to craft and scale consistent, profitable high ticket funnels

We’ve sold Webinar ranging from $1000 usd to $100,000 usd . And have scaled sales to 6 and even 7 figures through our funnels.

So If you feel that your current online marketing isn’t working well, and you need better results, then you have come to the right place

Why Work With US ?

Most Business have had below bad experience working with Marketing Agencies which is why they turn to us.

Your Business Will NEVER Be
the Same After You Sell Your
First $100K Offer


Knowing that just one or two sales covers all your expenses for an entire year will give you such peace of mind. 

So instead of spending all this time figuring out where the next paycheck will come from, you’ll be able to focus on creating immense value for your clients. You will now have the resources to hire a team and go big.


$100K clients tend to be amazing, cooperative individuals. 
They will appreciate every second of your time and you’ll have no issues getting them amazing results.


Jumping from one client to the next impairs your ability to focus and deliver your best work.

On the other hand, working with only a handful of amazing people allows you to take your time and create something extraordinary.

Jump on a 30 minute, no-obligation Zoom call with us and We’ll show you how we can take your business and sales to the next level with our High Ticket Sales marketing.

Here’s what you’ll get in this call with us:

First, we’ll find out more about your business, what your challenges have been in your online marketing efforts.

(Usually, from your sharing, we’ll be able to spot common trends and patterns in your industry, and share with you areas to focus on to fix them fast)

Next, we’ll talk about your lead generation and growth goals in the mid to long-term, as well as what your urgent and most immediate needs are in the short term.

From there, tapping on our experience, we’ll help to spot the gaps in your current campaigns and show you what you can do immediately to fix these issues.

Next, we’ll talk about your lead generation and growth goals in the mid to long-term, as well as what your urgent and most immediate needs are in the short term.

(Clients have shared with us that in 30 minutes with us, they were able to gain more clarity in their campaigns than they’ve ever had before.)

In the call we will show you “WHERE TO FIND $100K CLIENTS” and “How To Structure a $100K Offer.

Finally, we will be able to use our unique HTS System for identifying your perfect market-message fit for your audience, which will have them coming to you to find out about your services.

(We’ll even pass you actionable ideas on the spot for your current campaigns. We’re able to do this from our experience crafting winning campaigns day in, day out.)

👉These sessions are completely non-obligatory. Whether you choose to work with us is completely up to you. There will be no hard-sell, no pushing and no strings attached.

👉Our beloved clients and partners choose F10Funnels because they know we’re the best people to get the job done for them.

IMPORTANT – We are NOT offering this exclusive consultation service to everyone.

To be upfront:

1) We choose our clients we are willing to take on, and skyrocket their campaigns + work together, long term.
2) To prove that we know how to get results for you, we’re offering a no-obligation strategy session – Where we’ll give you our best marketing insights that you can build on, nothing held back.
3) Register for this session only if you’re serious about working together with a high-level marketing team, and you want to see if we’re the right fit for your business.
4) If after the session, you find that we’re not the right partner for you, there’s no obligation on you whatsoever.

👉These exclusive sessions with F10Funnels Team are only open to businesses who:

👉Are service-Based, and depend on lead generation to bring in leads and sales for your businesses.

👉Sell a product or service or course for $500 USD -$1000 USD (and above) Eg Internet Marketing Course , Gym Membership , Cryptocurrency Course , Time Share , NFT Collection , Yoga Membership , Property Course , Club Membership etc

👉Are serious about dominating their niche

We’re best for

Here’s what you get when you work with F10Funnels team

👉We craft high-quality, high-performance Ad campaigns

that keep generating leads and sales for your business non-stop. We craft winning ad angles that accurately communicate the awesomeness of your business (which most ads just don’t do) and WHY you are the best person to be buying from, and why they’re losing out if they don’t buy from you.

👉We write high-level copy that makes your business stand out

in highly-competitive markets, making them flock to you while leaving your competition in the dust.

👉We develop powerful market-message fit that positions your business

as the best choice for your customers… And can shift the trajectory of your business 360 degrees with breakthrough messaging.

👉We use a unique copywriting formula that we’ve specially developed

making them trust you immediately from the get-go, and choose to buy from you willingly. This is especially important if you’re losing sales because of a lack of trust in your ads, which is a big problem with most marketing that we see.

👉We design jaw-dropping visuals, landing pages, and emails

that makes your audience stop in their tracks, catch their attention and leads to even more results.

👉We take care of every part of your funnel daily

Ads, landing pages, emails, automations, integrations, reminder calls , Sales , reporting – So all you need to do is let us do the work, get updates on great results, and focus on other parts of your business. If you need us to present , handle objection and close the sale we can also do that.

👉We manage your campaigns day-in, day-out, round the clock

So you won’t deal with rising costs, non-performing ads, or worry that your “marketing team is just leaving your ads to fatigue”

👉We focus on RESULTS. Which means that we do unlimited work, until we generate the results you need.

Non-stop copywriting. Non-stop ads. Non-stop funnel management , Reminder Calls , Sales and daily tweaking to create the next breakthrough.

👉We apply guerilla marketing strategy and knowledge that we’ve developed after being in the game for so long

We provide non conventional strategies that have generated thousands of dollars over the years

👉Unmatched Client Care. We operate on a strict transparency basis.

We know how much trust you’re putting in us by leaving your business in our hands. You’ll never have to chase us for insights and info. We have a strict 24-hour response rule – to any of your messages or requests.

👉We love our clients, and believe in long-term partnerships that last years

Grow your business beyond anything you could imagine , captivate your audience , dominate and crush your Competition from STAGES!

Don’t leave money on the table

Every time you sell a 1k package , you are leaving money on the table
Think Bigger!  Go from “low ticket” to “High Ticket” Sales charging 10k – 100k for each client

Stages Isn’t Just For Speakers or Celebrities…

Regular folks use it too: consultants, business owners, entrepreneurs, financial advisors, you name it , the truth is that people have been doing it for centuries. Build your Stage Marketing Toolbox with our exclusive positioning and Digital marketing tools (emails, scripts, templates , social media ad campaign, copywriting and more). We will help you craft an amazing presentation that converts EVERY TIME!

We’ve used stages to increase revenue and impact for over 18 years. We’ve tested and optimized so you don’t have to.

Let us help you grow your business and increase your impact. We’ve helped thousands of our clients book almost 1000 stages and generate millions – and we are ready to help you. Whether that means crafting the perfect Signature Talk, finding the most desirable stages to speak on, or building your perfect product offering that have your audience clamouring to buy.

We have a Dream Team of specialists who dedicate their time to help you start winning stages right away. You’ll build all the assets for your own “Unstoppable Stage Campaign” . This is the same process our clients have used to generate tens of millions in sales over the past 18 years. The world’s BEST at growing content creator businesses with stages will be with you every step of the way.

However, it’s not for everyone.

If you are just trying to make a quick buck selling a mediocre product or service… It won’t work.

If you don’t believe with every ounce of your being that you can make an impact in people’s lives… It won’t work.

If you are not willing to make an investment and take a leap, against fear and limiting beliefs… It won’t work.

If you don’t have supreme confidence in your offer … It won’t work.

Simply, this system was created for a very specific group of people:

Resilient action-takers who know their worth and are willing to do whatever it takes in order to reach as many people as possible. The mavericks, the pioneers, the trend-setters.

Lets Talk

⦁ Are you currently having a high ticket offer? If yes , What is the Price

⦁ Do you have a converting funnel? If so, please give us the URL

⦁ Are you currently producing content? Please give details.

⦁ What size business are you? MONTHLY revenue

⦁ Which service are you enquiring about ?

⦁ How soon you want to get started ?

Above are some of the question we ask clients in our consultation call to help us understand a little about their business

If you want to start charging $100k+ for your expertise. Simply book on the link below for a FREE 30min Consultation.